Student lead solutions…

So as we discuss 2.0 opportunities, will it be students who will build the tools educators think they want to have for to keep students safe?

A college student from the state of Washington mentioned an initiative he was working on for students (i.e. the profession or being a job of being a student.) What is Scriptovia! is an online community for students to collaborate and receive feedback on their academic work. This includes essays, notes, lab reports, presentations,and everything else students create to advance their knowledge.

Very interesting and needs further exploration. Thi may be the next GenYes.


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One Comment on “Student lead solutions…”

  1. TeacherJay Says:

    At first, I had the familiar argument “How do we know that comments will be genuine, accurate, and helpful?”, but I think the success of sites like Wikipedia have shown that there is a responsible online community. The next question though it can we be sure that our students will treat this responsibly and know how to use it for collaborative, feedback and not to write a paper for them or take it from somewhere else – in other words will they use it as a tool or an a resource?

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